Psychotronic Warfare

The domain is for sale.

The minimum price is: € 1.000.000,00.

The money will be used to establish a Safe House for victims of Psychotronic Warfare and Mind Control.
See also:

Psychotronic Warfare is warfare using devices to send invisible frequency and/or energy beams to the body and brain of people under attack. They can be used against an individual but also against groups of people. These weapons are not science fiction but are being used and developed today by military and secret services.

All over the world victims are reporting being attacked with these weapons. Their numbers are in the thousands. Some are whistleblowers, some are journalists, other are people opposing the government or big companies. But most are almost random persons. The survivors call themselves Targeted Individuals. They can go nowhere, no government is acknowledging the use of these weapons.

Many ignorant and innocent people including children are eliminated or subjected to often horrible and cruel experimentation. Many suffer, many die. The crimes committed against them are among the worst in history and are a disgrace to humanity.

See also:
STOPEG foundation:
Covert Harassment Conference:
To donate:

For more information:
Peter Mooring
E: /
M: +31 6 4124 3030